Donation helps air ambulance remain at cutting edge
Tuesday, 05 May, 2015
Yorkshire Air Ambulance paramedic Adrian Fell receives one of the new medical shears from Craven Trust trustee Caroline Schwaller. YAA paramedics Matt Syratt and Paul Holmes look on.
Grant aid from The Craven Trust has helped paramedics at the Yorkshire Air Ambulance stay at the cutting edge of emergency medicine.
The rapid response emergency charity has bought 14 pairs of specialist medical shears following the grant of £912 from the Trust, a grant-making charity that supports community projects in the Craven area.
The state-of-the-art Leatherman Raptor shears are designed for use by military medics and emergency rescue services. They can quickly and safely cut through materials including seat belts and motorbike leathers.
YAA Paramedic Al Day said: “We are really very grateful for the donation that has meant we can upgrade this vital piece of equipment.
“The shears we had were in need of replacement and we now have excellent kit which will enable us to save vital seconds at the scene of major trauma incidents.”
The Craven Trust has been supporting community-based projects, organisations and individuals in the Craven area for nearly 20 years.
Chairman Mark Facer said: “The Craven Trust is delighted to be able to support the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and contribute towards the cost of the medical shears.
“We cover some of the remotest parts of Yorkshire and the Air Ambulance is invaluable in providing rescue services in those areas’.
YAA is an independent charity providing a rapid response emergency service to five million people across Yorkshire – England’s largest region. It needs to raise £12,000 each day to keep its two helicopters flying.
Without any direct government funding, the only help the charity receives is through the secondment of its paramedics from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust.