Call taker nominated for Olympic torchbearers' relay
Friday, 21 October, 2011

The commitment and determination of a member of staff who works in Coxheath Emergency Dispatch Centre has prompted colleagues to nominate him to be one of the London 2012 Olympic torchbearers.
Call taker Gary Moore, who has been with the Trust since November 2010, has been put forward following his remarkable recovery from a near-death car accident in January.
Gary, from Canterbury and attends the City Church, was returning home following a busy night shift when he crashed his car along the A20 near Maidstone.
The car crash left Gary trapped, unable to free himself from the wreckage and his car alight. Fortunately a former fireman came across the collision and managed to pull Gary to safety. Within 30 seconds of Gary's removal from the wreckage his car became engulfed in flames.
Gary, who was conscious throughout the ordeal, suffered multiple injuries including serious chest and back injuries.
He said: "I knew how serious it was and I remember triaging myself as the fireman was talking to control. I just refused to die. I was told that I kept saying loudly 'I refuse to die, I'm not going to die.' Throughout I kept thinking of my fiancee, Jane. She kept me alive."
Gary was rushed to Maidstone Hospital where he was taken to intensive care. There he suffered three cardiac arrests. He was then later transferred to a London hospital before finally being transferred to the William Harvey Hospital in Ashford once he was on the road to recovery. In total Gary spent 10 weeks in hospital.
While Gary is making good progress with his recovery he is in constant pain from him injuries. However, he has not let this prevent him from getting his life back. In April, he married his fiancee, Jane; throwing away his crutches the day before the wedding. Then he returned to work in May, just four months after the accident.
So committed to his work, he was determined to complete his NHS Pathways training. His line managers offered to give him extra time to complete the course but Gary refused to be treated differently and completed it within the two weeks like his colleagues.
He said: "It was hard, I would have a little rest or a sleep before I travelled back home in the evening but I did it and I'm very proud."
This is despite the fact he has lost some use of his left arm and it now takes him on average 20 minutes just to get dressed in the morning.
It is this truly amazing achievement which led his colleagues to put him forward for the 2012 Torchbearers' Relay.
Gary said: "I'm very honoured that my colleagues felt compelled to do this and if I do get a chance to bear the torch it will be for all the staff."
The nomination will now be reviewed by one of 12 regional selection panels which will be looking for 2,012 individuals with the most inspirational stories of personal achievement and/or contribution to the local community.
If successful, Gary will be offered a place as one of the 8,000 torchbearers needed in total for the Olympic Torch Relay.
Gary has a one in 14 chance of being selected to take part in this once-in-a-life time opportunity. He will learn if he has been successful during the week beginning 5 December 2011.