EEAST welcome new ambulances for ANTS
Wednesday, 26 January, 2011

The East of England Ambulance Service is delighted to welcome into operational service three brand new Mercedes ambulances for the Acute Neonatal Transfer
Service (ANTS).
The ambulances were designed in partnership with ANTS medical and nursing staff, with production of the vehicles undertaken in Wietmarscher, Germany, to
provide the very latest design and technology to support this vital service which operates across the entire east of England and beyond.
A specialist team of doctors, nurses and support staff, inclusive of the three dedicated acute neonatal transfer ambulances are based at the Rosie Maternity Unit, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge.
Two of these ambulances undertake emergency transfer requests, taking the specialist medical team to the referring hospital and then moving the baby to the
receiving hospital. These two ambulances operate a 24/7 shift pattern, whilst the third ambulance undertakes a day shift pattern of working and is predominantly
utilised for the transfer of well babies back to their originating hospital for ongoing care.
The service also when necessary transfers babies to hospitals out of the region, for example to Great Ormond Street Hospital, London.