East of England Ambulance Service scoop prestigious award
Wednesday, 07 July, 2010
L-R: Matthew Price, World Affairs Correspondent , BBC (Awards Host), Kathy Settle, Deputy Director, Local Response Capability, Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office (Awards Sponsor), and resilience managers Jackie King and Kevin Janney
The East of England Ambulance Service trust is pleased to announce that having been shortlisted for three Emergency Planning Society awards at a special ceremony held in Glasgow, the trusts resilience department has been awarded the Cabinet Office - The Innovation in Resilience Award.
The award was presented to the East of England Ambulance Service for honouring the greatest contribution to developing innovative thinking, turning new concepts into practical applications to build improved resilience. The award was presented by Bruce Mann who until January 2010 was Head of the Civil Contingencies Secretariat. Resilience managers Jackie King and Kevin Janney accepted the trophy on behalf of the Trust at the Annual Emergency Planning Society Annual conference held on June 22.
Head of Resilience and Emergency Planning, Robert Flute said: "I am extremely proud of this achievement. This was the first time a UK ambulance service has been selected as a finalist in these prestigious awards. The professionalism of the award submission and presentation team was highly commended by the judging panel."
Robert added: "Resilience may be seen as a behind the scenes department and this award proves that the Trust is at the forefront of building and maintaining organisational resilience. Our training courses have now been accredited with National Occupational standards for individual competency and our fleet of incident support units are seen as best practice."
Oskan Edwardson, associate director of special operations said: "The work of the Resilience department has been held in high regard across the UK for their role in building and maintaining organisational resilience. This also includes the work that continues on a daily basis engaging with colleagues from the other emergency services, local authorities and industry to ensure that the Trust is prepared for uncertain threats including flooding, terrorism, extremes of weather and ensuring the Trust has robust Business Continuity plans to enable its core services to continue. I am extremely proud of our Resilience team under Robert Flutes leadership, have been recognised with this award, which upholds the high standards we operate to as a Trust."