Girl's bravery rewarded
Tuesday, 01 April, 2008

Pic caption; From left to right, Clinical Team Leader Gary Wareham, Teah Smith, call takers, Jayne Berry and Karen Taylor
South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust has recognised the efforts of a brave young girl who called 999 after her grandfather suffered a serious fall.
Seven-year-old, Teah Smith, received a bravery certificate after she attempted to help her grandfather, Bran, who was fatally injured when he fell down the stairs of their Gillingham home.
Teah was presented with her certificate by call operators, Jayne Berry and Karen Taylor, who took Teah's 999 call.
Jayne said, "Teah was an amazing caller. During the call she was trying to make her grandfather comfortable and did her very best to help him in a difficult situation.
"She was very calm and adult about the whole thing. She gave incredibly detailed directions to the house and answered all our questions."
Teah was also reunited with Clinical Team Leader, Gary Wareham, who was the first ambulance clinician to arrive at the house and witnessed Teah's attempts to help her grandfather.
He said, "The whole incident was very distressing but she managed to open the front door and tell us her grandmother's contact details.
"Although this was a tragic incident with a sad outcome, Teah's bravery deserves recognition and commendation."