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Colour demands attention

Having the busiest road infrastructure to date and the most powerful vehicles we've ever had on Britain's roads, it's inevitable that our emergency services need to be as well equipped as possible. We know that road incidents, and the emergency fleets that respond to them, require instant solutions to protect and control human safety.
One pioneering company, Derbyshire-based Colour Mobile VMS, is exploiting the use of colour in its products to provide an instant, safe way of notifying drivers of highway incidents.
Tony Price, managing director, Colour Mobile VMS explains: "We know the significance colour has in our everyday lives, how it controls and shapes how we act, how it has an impact on our behaviour and actions, which is why it's an ideal tool for helping to manage and control traffic situations."
Colour Mobile VMS distributes a portfolio of non-glare, high-bright, low-power consuming LED matrix signs, which use five colour options of amber, red, white, green and blue and a web based sign management system. Chapter 8 signage can be replicated on the colour matrix signs and the Highways Agency saw the significance of this, and the potential for other uses, when it granted Colour Mobile VMS approval for use on British highways earlier this year. The products are also Home Office approved.
The new-look signs are starting to grab drivers' attention as they gradually replace the traditional amber matrix signage. Several large public sector bodies have already placed orders. The environmentally friendly range of signs, which run off fully autonomous solar charging systems, include a portable fold-up VMS, which can be easily stored in a car boot for instant use out on patrol or when attending an incident. The fold-up VMS is ideal as a warning sign and measures a compact 805mm x 1040mm when folded and extends to an attention grabbing 1610mm x 1040mm.
In addition, the VMSA is designed for inner city and urban works, or for roads with speed zones up to 50 mph - roadwork zones, school zones, road safety campaigns. The product features an electro-hydraulic lift and caravanstyle support for a secure footprint. The VMSA includes a single plug and play control module and can be used independently as a VMS or in conjunction with a radar to assist with data collection or display messages as motorists speed too fast. The VMSC is larger and primarily used on roads where speeds are greater than 60 mph, but can be used on lesser speed roads if required.
Both products benefit from remote technology, which can be undertaken via SMS or WiFi, which means drivers can be updated as incidents occur. All LED modules on both models are nterchangeable quickly and easily.
Colour Mobile VMS is proud to be sourcing its revolutionary variable message signs exclusively in the UK, from reputable international road safety equipment specialist, Bartco. Colour Mobile VMS will be showcasing its portable fold-up VMS, VMSA and VMSC products, as well as its ultra efficient and environmentally friendly Ecolite range of lighting towers at plot 32 at the NAPFM conference in Peterborough on September 6th and 7th.
• For more information about Colour Mobile VMS Ltd and its products visit: